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Board Meeting Notice

Board Meeting Protocols Policy

Town of Arriba
711 Front Street
Arriba CO 80804





Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting


To sign up for virtual participation please email Town Clerk Josie Hart by 5:20 p.m. on February 10 at with your full name and home address. You will receive an email with further instructions.


Date: Monday, February 10, 2025                         Time:  5:30 pm

 Call To Order

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

  2. Roll Call

  3. GMS – regarding Wastewater regulations

  4. Public Audience- Anyone wishing to speak will have 5 minutes to address the Board

  5. Approval of Agenda for February 10, 2025

  6. Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting January 13, 2025

  7. Approval of Accounts Receivable & Payable January

  8. Approval to pay February Bills


  9. Old Business
    A. Main Street 
    B. Zoning
    C. Water Vault


  10. New Business
    A. Proposed Parking Ordinance
    B. Proposed Dumpster Ordinance
    C. Town Insurance
    D. Town Laptop
    E. Abandoned Properties


  11. Reports

            A. Maintenance
            B. Clerk 
            C. Treasurer
            D. Trustees
            E. LCEDC
            F. Mayor

Regular Meeting Monday, March 10, 6:00pm